Eric Schmidt
“You have to fight for your privacy or you lose it.“
Walter Cronkite
“With police wielding unprecedented powers to invade privacy, tap phones and conduct searches seemingly at random, our civil liberties are in a very precarious condition.“
Edward Snowden
“I can’t in good conscience allow the U.S. government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they’re secretly building.“
Jack Ma
“On privacy issues, it’s just like hundreds of years ago when people said, ‘I would rather put my money under my pillow than in a bank.’ But today, banks know how to protect money much better than you do. Today, we may not have the answers to privacy issues, but I believe our young people will come up with the solutions.“
Friedrich August von Hayek
“‘Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.“
Franklin D. Roosevelt
“True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.“
Lao Tzu
“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.“
Richard Perle
“Law-abiding citizens value privacy. Terrorists require invisibility. The two are not the same, and they should not be confused.“
Barack Obama
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.“
Ernest, 16, clad in black – Hong Kong, 2020
“If we don’t stand out front today, we won’t have any chance to speak anymore.“
“I don’t know why people are so keen to put the details of their private life in public; they forget that invisibility is a superpower.“